Postpartum Belly Wrapping
Belly binding is an age-old practice for newly birthed mothers, swaddling the body in beautiful fabric to encourage healing and promoting closure.
Cultures that birthed belly binding rituals identify the womb as the center of a woman's wellness, and the root of traditional birth medicine.

Pregnancy fills the body with life, the abdominal muscles widen and separate to create the space to embrace that life.
Binding aims to address the opening with literal and figurative closure.

Overall structure
The wrap provides customizable stability for the healing body, promoting less back/neck discomfort and better posture (extra helpful for breastfeeding!)
Core support
Restoration relies on approximation (bringing closer) of abdominal muscles so they can more easily strengthen when you are able to incorporate exercise
Pelvic support
When the core is supported, you can more safely engage in exercise to strengthen and restore. Binding takes advantage of the relaxin hormone still present after the birth, which helped make the pelvis supple for the birth. The gentle pressure of the bind can encourage the pelvis to regain its pre-pregnant state
Get Started!
Get a wrap
My handmade wraps are made of 17-20 yards of ice dyed unbleached muslin, with a raw edge. Shipping is free for all wraps purchased with instruction!
Learn to use it
If you are a doula client, your instruction is included!
All others can package the purchase of the wrap and 1:1 instruction for $100
Instruction is conducted via Zoom or FaceTime, and takes about 45 minutes to learn (though before long you'll be an expert, and will be able to complete your wrap daily in about 10 minutes). If you do not need instruction, the wrap itself is $50
When to begin
Recommendation is within the first few days after a vaginal birth. It is wise to wait until 6w postpartum if you gave birth via Cesarean, to allow time for your incision to fully heal​
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Wear for up to 10 hours per day
Tradition is to bind for 44 days, and this encourages the best results
Hand-wash your bind
Wear over a tank top if you choose, to help keep in place and extend time between washes​