March Skill Share

$80 | full Skill Share participant
Breakfast treats
Couplet of symbiotic presentations
Afterparty, with snacks!


Breakfast treats and check in
Balancing Birthing Bodies with Dr. Melissa Diaz
Lunch on your own
Babes in a Row with Dr. Lizzie Sobel
Panel discussion with Melissa and Lizzie
Afterparty begins!
Finding us
Newton Wellesley Hospital is located at 2014 Washington Street in Newton. Our training location is the Allen Riddle Building, first floor Living Room.
When entering Newton Wellesley campus from either the east or the west, turn into the East Entrance (traffic light) and park in the 6-story parking garage but do not enter the attached building. Instead, walk out of the garage keeping the East Entrance on your right, continue up the hill toward a brick building labeled "Allen Riddle." Enter the building from the front, and turn right. The Living Room is on the right.

Validation is available to reduce the cost of parking from $35 to $10. See Shari before leaving our Symbiotic Skill Share session if you have parked in the main garage
Public transportation
Newton Wellesley is T-accessible. Take Green Riverside line (D-train) outbound, to the Woodland stop. Walk out to Washington Street and turn left. Newton-Wellesley Hospital is two blocks on the left.
Food options
There will be breakfast treats available to start our sessions, and light refreshments served during the networking discussions.
Lunch is on your own. Recommendations:
The Newton Wellesley cafeteria is on site
There is a kitchenette with mini-fridge and microwave available for those bringing their own lunch
Starbucks is .75 mile to the west
Stone L'oven Pizza is nearby in Waban
A note on cost
Attendance at Symbiotic Skill Shares is considered ongoing education, and receipts are available to submit for business expenses!
The cost of Symbiotic Skill Shares is designed to compensate the facilitators for their knowledge and expertise, along with the considerable time put into their mindful presentations. Additionally, light refreshments are provided at each Skill Share at no additional cost to participants.
The cost of attendance at Symbiotic Skill Shares typically includes three segments, which are not available a la carte.
If called to a birth and you must miss our session, please note:
If notifying Shari McBurney within 4+ hours of workshop start, you will receive 80% credit to a future Skill Share
You can transfer your registration to another participant at no cost to you
No-shows and those not attending with less than 4 hours notice will not be refunded
Cost offset opportunities
A limited amount of collaborative bartering/partial scholarships may be available on basis of need, depending on the sponsor and facilitators. Bartering would include site set-up/break down, homemade baked goods for our refreshment counter, or other contributions.